I'm no neon expert but it sounds like a vacuum problem. does the climate
control system use engine vacuum to control temperature and/or diverter
doors? if so, then one of the vacuum diaphragms may be leaking and using
up the available engine vacuum thereby reducing the brake booster
effectiveness. also check for leaks in and around the brake booster,
hoses, check valves etc, check the function of the booster (deplete
vacuum with engine off by pumpin brake several times until pedal is very
firm, then holding pedal, start engine...the pedal should sink as vacuum
builds and brake boost develops, try with A/C off/on). also, just having
the A/C on increases engine load and reduces vacuum available. there may
be a leak just marginal enough that having the A/C on makes the
difference. good luck.
Dave Yeung
On Tue, 20 Jul 1999 11:22:58 EDT Cccya1@aol.com writes:
>Hello all,
>I need to ask the experts in the Neon field. My girlfriend has a 96
>(expresso) that has a wierd braking problem.
>Background info:
>Current milage:47,000
>Front pads done 38,000(last fall)
>Master Cylinder done at dealer in Jan
>ABS and Brake lines flushed at the same time.
>When driving on the street w/ the AC on and it comes time to brake
>moderatly/hard, pushing the pedal down further doesn't increase the
>effect. (No, the floor mat isn't stuck underneath the pedal) Now, the
>work fine w/o the AC on, but she can't keep switching it off and on
>when she
>has to stop. Any ideas? I know this is kinda off topic, but I have
>no where
>else to turn, but to the racers...Please help me guys.....