I'm a novice and mostly a lurker on the list, but I have a few comments on the
ongoing ST thread.
1) The "We're all rules lawyers" image of the SCCA is being reinforced by some
posts. If the displacement limit is 3.1L, that's it! No more no matter what. If
someone challenges (or whatever the proper term is) and the displacement is
found to be 3.11L, Boom. Disqualified. Why can't the rules be simple and
un-equivical (sp)? Rotary engines are a challenge, but why can't the rule
simply state "3.1L maximum displacement. Period. Don't care about
overbores/rebuilds/stroker kits, if you're over 3.1, you're out".
2) Two seaters are not what this class should be for. Some two seaters are
appropriate in SS, some in SP, but ST, as far as I know, is meant to provide a
place for people who tinkered with their non-extraordinary car before they even
knew what SCCA stands for. I'm sure plenty of you disagree, but two seaters are
NOT ordinary cars.
3) The emmissions subject. No one is going to want to look for CARB stickers.
In STU, any car that has a registration, insurance and plates should be
allowed. If an owner wants to swap his engine once a year to get these, that's
their choice. This effort is no less than the effort exerted by winning SP, P
and M cars owners. In ST, the requirements should be that all emmissions
equipment for the engine (not car) year are installed. Inspection stations have
that info. It shouldn't be hard to get it. If that standard is passed, the car
passes, no matter how much it stinks like a fuel spill.
Finally, ST can be a rules lawyer class at nationals, but don't let this filter
down to local events. If someone bends the rules a bit and wins the East Podunk
monthly autox, who cares?
That's just my 2 cents. I'm off to my second event tomorrow! MoHud SCCA
Chapter. I'm not in it to win, just to have some fun. See you there.
Greg Holden
96 Integra GS-R with power mods. Formerly CSP-N. Tomorrow ST-N.