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Re: Revised STU Proposed Rules - Plan of attack

Subject: Re: Revised STU Proposed Rules - Plan of attack
From: Karl Witt <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 10:21:08 -0400
On or about 09:28 AM 7/14/1999 , did say:
>           3.The 3.1 litre displacement limit is after any boring, stroking,
>etc. At no time may any engine exceed 3.1000 litres in
>              displacement.

My only beef with this ruleset is that this last bit disallows a service
overbore on a car that comes with w 3.1l from the factory. I don't know how
the wording could be made so that only a factory 3.1l could go up to
whatever displacement a .030 serice overbore would create, but it might be
something to think about. Other than that, nice job.


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