I have to chime in on this one, since it touches a subject close to my heart. I
think ya got MOWOG confused with MG, which stands for "Morris Garages." They
were the original "Mr. Goodwrench" bunch, in that the Morris Garages provided
service to Morris Autocars. They began messin' around with some of the tame
l'il Morrises and built a few race cars, which were, of course, Morris Garages
Specials. The Brits shortened it to "MG Specials" and eventually "MG." Some
years down the road, "MG" began building their own product, one of which is, of
course, my beloved Lucretia.
So there, now you know. I feel better, don't you?
JD Kemp &
Lucretia MacEvil #13 MGB
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Subject: Re: MOWOG Message
From: John Lieberman <>
>'Course, if you want to get down to the REAL nitty-gritty, MOWOG
>stands for MOrris and WOlseley GArages and can be found cast into most
>key parts of most British engines and transmissions!!! 8<{)
>John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman
Nope. Morris Wolseley Group.