It did?!?!? Hmmm, did my memory fail me? I thought sure that the 'Skate had a
4-cyl Yamaha, mounted sideways. Perhaps I've gotten corn-fused here. Wrong
name perhaps. I recall a review of the car I described in Road & Track some
years ago. Now that you jog my neurons, I think you're correct, and the 'Skate
is somewhat like a Lotus 7, and I'm thinking of sumpin' else!?!?!????
I'm supposed to be taking that Gecko-Balboa stuff to improve my memory, but I
keep forgetting where I put the bottle...
Paul Hagger <> on 07/06/99 09:07:19 AM
Subject: RE: M/C Powered Car
Last time I saw the Maxton Rollerscate (Sports Car International, 1991) it
had a Mazda 13B automotive engine in it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 7:18 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: M/C Powered Car
> Peter:
> There's a company in Cadda-Waddoe somewheres called "Maxton" that makes a
> car
> called the "Roller Skate" (or at least they used to!) which uses a Yamaha
> motorcycle engine. It's an open roadster, tube framed, verrrrrrry
> lightweight.
> The car looks vaguely like a Lotus 11 from days of yore. Then, don't
> fergit the
> "Legends" race cars, which use the same kind of engine.
> Key here is that BOTH of these "cars" are LIGHT, to the point of being not
> even
> "real cars"... Perhaps the M/C engine isn't up to the task of dragging
> around
> an entire car, even one as light as the Metro or the Sprint or whatever.
> Could be a "fun" project, however. U upto sumpin?
> JD Kemp &
> "Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB
> TLS #54