Kevin Stevens writes:
<<<I've never seen the Hoosier approach published, as the BFG one is,
and it doesn't sound very practical for autox anyway.>>
It was published in the PCA Club Racing newsletter a couple months ago.
Don't you subscribe? ;-)
The point is that the Tire Rack heat cycling machine appears to be
comparable to street driving 100 miles while actual heat cycling as done
by the pros requires the tires to be driven at 100% for a limited
period. So if you want real heat cycling get thee to a skidpad. Or
better yet send me your sticker tires. I promise I will only run them
for 3 laps. ;-)
<<<Are you going to tell us what the "heat cycled free with shaving" bit
is about, or did you throw that in just to be mysterious?>>>
Mysterious? Misunderstood again... I _thought_ I was very
straightforward. One more try... If you order shaved tires from Tire
Rack chances are they will be heat cycled. So if you tell them you are
not going to pay for heat cycling you may get it anyway because they
seem to do it to _all_ the tires they shave.
Paul Foster