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Re: How does a region foster nationally competitive drivers?

To: autox list <>
Subject: Re: How does a region foster nationally competitive drivers?
From: Loren Williams <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 21:03:39 -0500
David Hawkins wrote:

> Ahhh...another of my regional pet peeves.  Who has ever been/ever protested
> at a regional event?  I suppose that at the larger regions there could be
> instances
> where this could happen, but in most of the ones I've run (75 or less
> competitors),
> any protest should be able to be solved with a 'hey, you can't do that' 'oh,
> okay'
> kind of thing.  This was brought up over the passenger issue at one of our
> meetings
> 'you could be on the protest committee if someone thinks is unfair.'  I
> think that if
> I'm ever asked to serve on a regional protest committee, it'll be my last
> run in that
> region.
In my 3 years, I've seen one protest, and heard about several "hey, you
can't do that" complaints.  Generally, the complaints come from those
who have avoided doing those simple little things that aren't legal in
their classes only to find someone who hasn't made the effort to stay
legal "taking their points".  Most of the time, the "complainee"
voluntarily bumps to the "correct" class.  The protest was on a Spitfire
in stock class with a header.  The owner claimed that his original
manifold cracked and no replacement was available.  The whole thing was
so insignificant that I don't recall the outcome, it may have been
dropped (relegated to "hey, you can't do that" status).  My personal
opinion is (barring anything that would make a very noticeable
performance difference) that the little things can't make enough
difference to matter.  For the most part, driver skill wins Regional

But... I didn't bring that up to start a debate over regional protests. 
My point was that we have the rule stating that drivers can't ride until
after they've run, but it is essentially not enforced.  (it tends to be
followed by most as far as I know, though)

> Again...we're competing for a JACKET.

You guys get jackets?  Geez, it might be worth a $600 set of tires to
win a jacket...

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'94 Saturn SC2 | Wichita Region SCCA -

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