Having just completed my little "East coast sweep", I just wanted echo
some thoughts someone else posted recently about autocrossers. I'm
relatively new to travelling big distances to the big time events, and
rarely travel with much of a budget.
There are several people who helped me in many different ways this past
week and a half. (No one could help me with my left side driving in
Harrisburg though!) :( You all know who you are and I thank you
sincerly! From giving me a place to sleep, to driving my car
400something miles for me, to sharing a room, to having numerous offers
of assistance for just about everything, and to just being freindly;
autocrossers are a pretty good gang. It's lots-o-fun to compete when
your class competitors are a nice bunch of guys too. Slap me down and
call me gullible, but I never had a second thought about putting
complete trust in any of these folks.
Just wanted to say thanks! Solo is good.
Patrick Washburn <washburn@dwave.net>
Wausau, WI Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon