"Eric W. Clements" wrote:
> ASP--Rex Carle
Rex was also the top qualifier for the NationalSeries challenge. Made
it to the round of four, was leading Vince Gladfelder after one run, and
broke on the left side start line. Heartbreaking.
> DP--The person who won the challenge in the red Midget, I think
That would be Wade Scannell, who also won the NationalSeries challenge
for the third time.
> AM--no one
> BM--no one, I don't think, but all those mod cars kinda blend together
> to me...
Yep. no AM, BM, or EM cars. Two cars (three drivers) in DM were bumped
to CM, giving us a class of ten.
> CM--A white car (NOT Mark Sirota or his co-driver or Dick
> Rasmussen--sorry guys, but I couldn't remember the driver of the white
> car's name and I thought these details might help someone else fill in
> the blank)
Gary Godula, who seems to be figuring the new car out. Gary was
basically tied with David Frye after Saturday, less than a tenth apart.
On Sunday, David failed to improve, while Gary found about six tenths
Following David by about half a second was Bob Miller, my co-driver, the
first time he's beaten me in a big event. I was about two tenths back
from Bob, with Dick Rasmussen hot on my tail -- I got the last trophy;
Dick was about half a tenth behind me. (We were about the same distance
apart, but in the other order, after Saturday.) I'm not sure of the
order after Dick.
> Formula Junior--CJ Sharp had the lead over the car owner, Stephanie or
> Wacky Rabbit Racing, but I did not see the final results.
And he won, with a very impressive 35.0 on the left. In a five
horsepower vehicle. Think about that...
And the most impressive performance of the weekend -- the weather!
Instead of the usual 100 degrees and 95% humidity, we got around 80
degrees and not too humid. Mostly sunny on Saturday, somewhat cloudy
on Sunday, but overall impressively pleasant for Harrisburg. Kudos to
the Harnishes for arranging that. :-)