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MD & PA Region Sound Requirements

To: Digest Auto-x <>
Subject: MD & PA Region Sound Requirements
From: Ron Katona <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 21:53:43 -0700
Brad Burns wrote:
> Do the Farm Show lot in Harrisburg or the lot at Ft. Meade have any specific
> decibel requirements for sound?  The only thing I've read at all said that
> exhaust systems should be quiet, but it wasn't defined what quiet is.

Well, judging by the dB level of some of the cars (or things resembling
cars) I've seen run at Ft. Meade (corner workers with fingers in ears),
I'd say if there is a limit, it's not enforced. Don't think the MWCSCC
has the equipment to enforce a specific dB level anyway. It's probably
just a judgment call and I can't remember anyone ever complaining or

Having said that, I'm a member of the club that "owns" the Ft. Meade lot
and will ask our prez for a definitive answer.

For the PA lot, I have no idea... maybe Jim Howard knows?
Ron Katona

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