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BFG SEDiv Solo 2 Series Event #2-June 5&6

To: Buccaneerautox <>,
Subject: BFG SEDiv Solo 2 Series Event #2-June 5&6
From: Michael King <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 14:06:23 +0000
This is just a reminder to all attending Event #2 of the BFG SEDiv Solo
2 Series, don't forget to make your hotel reservations early to insure
the great rate that we have. The hotel has been gracious enough to
donate the Osceala Room, a hospitality suite right on the pool area, if
enough rooms are sold. The welcome party will be a party including hors
d'ourves, beer, wine, sodas, and music. So be sure to attend. The rate
at the Radisson Riverwalk Hotel is $59.00 for up to four people. Heck,
fives a crowd anyways, right? Reservations can be made through their
toll free number at 1-800-333-3333 or online at You
can also call them direct at (904) 396-5100. All we have to do is sell
40 rooms, so get reserving.
    Also, it has been confirmed that lunch will be served on the
Saturday of the event. Subway will be the fare, so be sure to be hungry.
Saturday night will bring on our traditional jaunt to the local
go-karting establishments, so anyone interested, be sure to get
directions at registration or come talk to me. Do we need helmets, you
ask? "We don't need no stinkin' helmets! "
    Hey, looking forward to seeing all of you in June.

Mike King
Event Chairman
BFG SEDiv Solo 2 Event #2
Buccaneer Region

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