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Re: Gravity Brake Bleeding

To: "Engstrom" <>,
Subject: Re: Gravity Brake Bleeding
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 22:37:26 -0500
>the idea of removing the master cylinder cap,
>filling up the master cylinder with brake fluid, opening up a bleeder
>screw and then sitting back with a beer or two while gravity does
>its thing is much more appealing to me.

Yeah, but if you have a bubble on the top of a loop somewhere in the system,
it won't go away.  The fluid slowly sides past the bubble.

Pedal bleeding won't do it either.  As you stop and lift your foot again,
whether you have a wrench person or a one-way valve on the bleeder, the
bubble can backstream to the high point again.

A pressure bleeder like a Gunson E Z Bleed will move the fluid fast enough
and continuously enough to get to the bleed point and out of your car.

Maybe your car has no such high spots.  Lucky you.

Phil Ethier    Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
Lotus Europa, VW Quantum Syncro, Chev Suburban

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