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Re: Help! Car hikes rear inner leg on corners.

Subject: Re: Help! Car hikes rear inner leg on corners.
From: Craig Blome <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 05:46:36 -0700 (PDT)

--- wrote:
> My question is this.  Because the Koni's on back
> have a shorter stroke than 
> the originals, could it be that when I go into a
> corner that the shock 
> becomes fully extended and causes the wheel to lift
> off the ground. could check by having someone take a
snapshot of the car in a corner, and see if the
distance the wheel comes off is less that the
difference in stroke between the OEM and Koni shocks.

> rear's.  Could replacing 
> the sway bar on the rear help?  Is that feasible to
> replace the rear sway bar 
> in stock?  

nope, but you can replace the front bar, and I suspect
a larger one might limit body roll enough to keep the
inside rear on the ground.  Give that a try before you
look for shocks.

Good luck,
Craig Blome
Texas Spokes SCC, Austin, TX

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