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Re: junior kart

To: "Mari L. Clements" <>, <>
Subject: Re: junior kart
From: "Matt Murray" <>
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 17:01:32 -0400
Run, do not walk to the nearest kart thingie.
How did Schumacker, Andretti, Unser, Sharp start?
Karts. Whether Solo II or other sanctioning body, get 'em
started. We need tickets to F1 in twenty years. :-)

Matt Murray

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It was
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-----Original Message-----
From: Mari L. Clements <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, May 05, 1999 4:50 PM
Subject: junior kart

>As usual, my eight year old was following his dad and I around the course
>we walked it.  As we *approached* a confusing turn, he asked why a guy in
>front of us was going off course (he was).  The I asked him to get in front
>of us and walk the course.  He did.  Flawlessly.  Without asking one
>question.  Without ever getting lost.  So...
>we're thinking about karts and letting him drive (which he thinks would be
>really cool).
>I was thinking doing the kart rental thing at a big event, but Eric pointed
>out some important things I hadn't thought of:
>1.  National Tours and Pros aren't necessarily the best introduction to
>autocrossing  (remember poor Guido or Guava or whatever pseudonym Katie
>Kelly gave her former boyfriend?)
>2.  He's never driven anything.  (We wanted to take him to the local go
>track to let him get an idea for it, but you have to be 54 inches tall to
>3.  Where and how would he get the hang of the rental cart?  (How irritated
>would all the people waiting in line for the practice course be at waiting
>for a kart to go around?  Can the rental karts even be used on Friday?)
>So now we're thinking all sorts of options.  Rental karts, getting a kart,
>sharing a kart with someone else.  I know some of this has come across the
>net before, but if you have thoughts, recommendations, suggestions, contact
>people, etc., please reply.
>'91 MR2 NA  (personally, I think Eric wants a kart so he'll have something
>to drive when the 1.6 l Miatae come to CS next year...)

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