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More Route66 crap

To: <>
Subject: More Route66 crap
From: "Racer---X" <>
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 00:48:56 -0400
Have we all forgotten about personal responsibility? If the coure were all
that bad, you could have 1. added some input on course design or 2. Loaded
up and left. I have YET to hear from anyone doing either. As far as speed
limits are concerned, was this billed as a Solo2 or a street solo? I have
attended a few street solo's, solo trials, whatever you want to call them.
Speeds for the faster cars were likely (make that easily) over 100MPH, and
there was very little danger to the drivers and only slightly more to
property. Yes, incidents are more likely at these events, but that's life.
If you don'y want to take the chances, then DON'T

        Michael Karp

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