> No, the worst is the dreaded Farmer Brown tan...snow white chest and golden
> arms...
Ohhh, I can do you one better than that.
I went to a Canadian Military College, and every May there's the big Graduation
Parade - which, of course means a week of 8 hour long parade practices, in the
sun, near a big reflective river, wearing a pillbox hat.
That hat covers half of your forehead on a 45 degree angle, and it has a
chinstrap to keep it in place. After 7 days in the sun wearing that thing, you
get a nice white triangle on your forehead and a white stripe about 1/4" across
connecting your ears to your chin - and no matter what you do for the rest of
the summer, you just can't get it to even out.
That is without question the _dorkiest_ tan one can possibly have.
The only guy I ever knew there who didn't get that tan was a fair-skinned,
red-headed friend of mine who was so sun-sensitive that he practically burst
into flame when exposed to sunlight. HE covered his entire face in bright white
zinc oxide during the parade - and so looked like some sort of militant mime for
a week instead.