We had several ST competitors who didn't get the original post about
these changes. NOTICE ST, STR, and STU are now in the RED group. Also, BP
and CP are now in the Blue (groundpounder) group and KM has moved to the
Yellow group.
Subject: Updated Atlanta SCCA NOPI Solo II Schedule
*Please* note changes in run groups!!
Atlanta Region SCCA NOPI 1999 Solo II Series
(Pre-register on-line at www.atl-scca.org)
Competitors will run/work with their own class. The Run/Work "heats" will
be rotated each event (see the run/work schedule above the calendar).
* Session Procedures Morning Afternoon
* Course set-up 7:00 - 8:30
* Registration and Tech 8:00 - 9:30 11:00 -
* Driver's meeting 9:35 12:35
* Run Sessions (approximately) 10:00 - 12:30 1:00 - 4:30
* Course tear-down at end of event
* Event Supplemental Regulations
* All entrants must work during the session(s) they run
* Work assignments will be given at registration
* Out of town, novice and "Time Only" entrants will be allowed to run in
either session, no matter what class they are in.
* "Time Only" entrants may enter both morning and afternoon sessions if
they pay the additional entry fee
* Entrants who don't run at the same time as their class will run for
"Time Only" except for out-of-town guests and key Team Solo members.
1999 NOPI Solo II Series Schedule
Run/work heats (includes corresponding ladies' classes).
Blue Group: SS, AS, FS, BSP, ESP, PRO, BP, CP
Red Group: BS, ASP, CSP, DSP, ST, STR, STU
Green Group: CS, DS, ES, HS, AP, EP, DP, KMJr.
Yellow Group: GS, OSP, AM, BM, CM, DM, EM, FM, KM
The following run/work schedule will be followed throughout the season:
March 27 School AMS
March 28 Points # 1: Morning - Blue/Red Afternoon - Green/Yellow
April 18 Points #2: Morning - Red/Green Afternoon -
April 25 Points #3: Morning - Green/Yellow Afternoon -
May 1-2 SEDIV Divisional at AMS (must be an SCCA member)
May 16 Points #4: Morning - Yellow/Blue Afternoon - Red/Green
June 26 School AMS
June 27 Points #5: Morning - Blue/Red Afternoon - Green/Yellow
July 25 Points #6: Morning - Red/Green Afternoon - Yellow/Blue
August 14 Points #7: Morning - Green/Yellow Afternoon - Blue/Red
August 15 Points #8: Morning - Yellow/Blue Afternoon - Red/Green
August 28-29 SEDIV Perry, GA (must be an SCCA
September 18-19 NOPINationals AMS
October 10 Points #9: Morning - Blue/Red Afternoon - Green/Yellow
October 24 Points #10: Morning - Red/Green Afternoon - Yellow/Blue
November 7 ChampionofChampions AMS