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Autocross Shifting Technique [Was: Integra autoXing]

To: <>, <>
Subject: Autocross Shifting Technique [Was: Integra autoXing]
From: "Steven N. Burkett" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 10:23:53 -0500 (CDT)

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Chris McCann wrote:

[Technique questions for beginning autocrossers]

> ...and myself (and a much more seasoned driver with a '98 GS-R) were
> reccomended by many just to leave it in 2nd ...

I have the same question, but WRT a '93 RX-7, or "peppy" cars in general.

I attended my first event two weeks ago.  The first two runs, it didn't
even occur to me to shift, i.e. once I got into second, I stayed there.

The third run, I attempted to downshift on my way into faster parts of the
course.  I felt it slowed me down massively, and wonder what "proper"
technique is.  Obviously, my brain and hands are quite slow, being so new
to the sport.  

I know I can drive faster (now) by staying in second, but would rather
start learning the right technique from the start. 

Any advice?


p.s.  I have heard rumors that someone has RX-7 specific autocross
driving tips on a website somewhere.  Anyone know where?

p.p.s.  Please note that this is cross posted to the RX-7 and autocross
mailing lists.  You may wish to trim follow-ups as appropriate.  Sorry to
those who will see it twice!

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