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Re: The tire thing^n

Subject: Re: The tire thing^n
From: John Whitling <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 21:17:42 -0400
Right off the top of my head here's one example ....
I think it was the '89 Nationals in Salina when BFG first introduced the 226
series tires. They were clearly different tires from the ones that had been
supplied by BFG all year ... specially made for Salina. The powers that be (not
you I understand) at the time let those tires run. That was pure politics. Were
you running a G stock SVO back then on Generals? In any case I'm sure you
remember the year and circumstances that I'm referring to.

John Whitling

John Whitling wrote:

> In a message dated 4/22/99 1:52:47 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << The SCCA members have looked into ways of policing tires in the past. It
> never
>  happened, mainly because of complex proposals and ... ahem .. politics >>
> Having been involved in some of these 'complex proposals' would you please
> enlighten us as to what 'specific' examples of "ahem...politics" you're
> refering to?
> Please include names, dates, places, etc.
> Bruce Dickey

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