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Atlanta NOPI S2 April 25th

Subject: Atlanta NOPI S2 April 25th
From: Benjamin D Thatcher <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 15:20:35 -0400
Atlanta Region will be hosting a NOPI Solo II event at Atlanta Motor
Speedway, Sunday April 25th. Entry fees are $20 for SCCA members and $25
for non-members.

Come out and practice for the first SEDIV coming up on May 1-2 at this
same site. Out of town guests and Novices can enter either the morning
session (beginning at 8 a.m.) or the afternoon session (beginning at
11:00 a.m.).

Pre-registration for the event on April 25th can be done on the Atlanta
Region Website at:

        <> and jump to the Solo II registration page.

You may also pre-register for the SEDIV Series of events at:


Please pre-register because this will speed up our events.

If you are an Atlanta Region member running for points the following
Run/Work order must be followed:

Blue Group:  SS, AS, FS, BSP, ESP, PRO, BP, CP 
Red Group:  BS, ASP, CSP, DSP, ST, STR, STU
Green Group:  CS, DS, ES, HS, AP, EP, DP, KMJr., 
Yellow Group:  GS, OSP, AM, BM, CM, DM, EM, FM, KM

The following run/work schedule will be followed throughout the season:

April 25                Points #3:      Morning - Green/Yellow Afternoon - 

May 1-2         SEDIV           Divisional at AMS (must be an SCCA member)

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