Steve Hoult wrote:
> Is there somewhere online that I can peruse these proposed changes?
The list that was online was notably different than the one in FasTrack.
I do not know if they have updated it yet.
> I run in
> ASP and want to see what I might be up against next year.
Actually, nothing new except for the M Coupe, M Roadster, and the 6cyl Z3.
And I don't think those are really "new", they just hadn't made the 99 Rules
book. Mainly you lost a number of large competitors to BSP (Nissan ZX's,
Stealth Turbo, Fiat Spyder Turbo, and Shelby Cobra) and a couple small but
underpowered competitors to CSP (Lotus Elite 1216cc and Porsche Carrera 4cyl).