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And now for something completely different...

To: "''" <>
Subject: And now for something completely different...
From: "Ayer, John K" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 12:52:13 -0700
If that's your real name, you can't help butt join :)

>>From: Jason Suknot <>
>>Subject: Subject: TLS member in a Crisis!
>>I have given some thought to seeking TLS membership myself...

>>Sorry about the post about a 323 misfire.  I sent it to the wrong mailing
>>list.  I'm on too many...
>>clay mclendon

Don't apologize Clay, it makes a nice change, talking about cars... :)

Kimball Ayer
Fiat X1/9 DSP#19
Ask ME about the latest SP rape-posal,
If you dare...

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