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Re[2]: TSOL

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re[2]: TSOL
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 99 16:14:48 -0500
Author:  "Susan L. Collicott" <>wrote:
>>What a great idea!  TSOL vs. TLS in the ultimate Solo 2 showdown!
>Shouldn't that be "slowdown"?
>This is TLS, after all...
>BS Pawprint Red '96 Miata R
     >TLS #32
     Good one!   But alas, you have a car which is nationally capable, I 
     can't believe there's any duct tape on it either.....  ;^)
     We'll see you TLS members on course!  (if we stay on course that 
     Scott Phelps
     88 Yugo GVX EP
     TSOL #1

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