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Subject: TLS member in a Crisis!

Subject: Subject: TLS member in a Crisis!
From: Jason Suknot <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 09:57:57 -0500
I have given some thought to seeking TLS membership myself but since I
do occasionally wash what is left of the paint on my car I have not yet
felt worthy enough to apply. After reading your post I had a thought, do
those automatic car wash doodads count? I would never make the effort to
hand wash the old thing and ruin a good sponge but I do run it through
the auto wash after a fillup on occasion just to knock off the pollen
and bugs. :-)

Jason Suknot

>I took a pledge to not wash my car when I joined Team Laughing Stock.
>thought it wouldn't be a big deal.  Let everyone laugh at my soiled
car.  I
>could stand it for a while.  I just can't help but wash it!  I can just
>her(Ms. Mitsubishi, my significant other at the moment) frowning and
>me on to just 'do it'.

>Well, it's happened twice now in the last three weeks!  I need all the
>support I can get from my TLS members.  I don't want to recind my
>but I feel I have no other choice...HELP!!!

>Daniel "did some off-road racing this weekend...accidentally" Ledford
>99 Mitsu Eclipse GSX

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