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Do you Kumho? (with a neon?)

Subject: Do you Kumho? (with a neon?)
From: Jeff Blankenship <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 19:12:42 CDT
I asked the neon list and still don't have satisfactory answers.  So here
goes, to the hard-core racers!

I'm wondering if the 205/55 14 Kumho is truly competitive with the BFG 
G-Force on the neon.

I've only used R1s, and I'm a little wary, because the 225 R1 is a real 
advantage, but Kumhos aren't offered in that size.  The Kumho 205 gives up 
0.9 inch tread width to the 225 G-Force.  Sounds very significant to me.

Also, the G-Force spec sheet shows the 225 needs a 6.5 inch wide minimum 
wheel.  Are neons using 225 G-Forces on the front, just like with the
previous R1?

After seeing the Dallas NT results, with winning neons on G-Forces, and 
hearing how they resemble Hoosiers in durability, I'm apprehensive about 
my tire budget... I think I'm doomed to spending more, more often...

Finally, if I have last season's R1s in decent shape, AND I want to have
the maximum advantage, should I switch now or use the oldies first?

Really, at this point, I need to do what it takes to make those precious
seconds count.  Also, time is of the essence - the first Regional event 
is this weekend!  And if I don't win, then I want to (will!) make damned 
sure the winner has to work for it!  <- this is the Team DFL pledge!

Jeffrey D. Blankenship                         Senior Technical Consultant                              ITDS - TRIS
neon enthusiast #478                           Champaign, IL, USA

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