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Re: Course Layout

To: "Harvey Robideau" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Course Layout
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 10:05:27 -0400
>  Somewhere at one time I had a link that had some very good info about
>designing and setting up autox courses.  Any info in that direction
>would be appreciated.  Thanks

I have a copy of a Powerpoint presentation from the Houston region SCCA that
Roger H. Johnson put together in June '97.  It's 442k zipped.  There's some
great info, and we used this as a guideline when setting up the local BMWCCA
course this year.  Let me know if you (or anyone) wants it and I'll pass it
on.  (Unzipped version is 2.5mb)

    - Justin

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