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Re: Course design/speed limits

Subject: Re: Course design/speed limits
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 01:43:09 EST
In a message dated 4/1/99 5:12:18 PM EST, writes:

 My point was geared more toward verifying the 75 mph Neon comment that
 appeared early in this thread.  
        Well, from my point of view, and I was at the National tour in SD.  
My Son was one of the course designers.  I have read most all of the threads 
concerning this event and the speed.  I will tell you all right now that the 
course was probably one of the safest courses you could have run on.  There 
are some very good points and we should always error in favor of safe course. 
 There is no excuse not to have safe course.  The one thing that San Diego 
does and has been doing for the past 20-25 years is a safety run in the 
morning before class runs.  The car is usually a SP or Prepared car, and a 
safety steward as a passenger / observer.  It save a lot of headache and 
          There was never a NEON that ran the course Sat. or Sunday, get up 
to 75 MPH, on the fast section of the course.  If you think that a stock Neon 
can out accelerate my Lotus, your dead wrong.  I never got to the rev limiter 
(7500 rpm) in 3rd gear which would have been speed of 65-67 mph.  I know that 
Josh, in a FF., got up to 75 - 80 MPH, Guy Ankeny in his S-2000 may have got 
to 80 MPH also.  The winner in BS George Doganis, in a Miata, got up to 
60-65.  So I don't think that the speed were to high.  I think that it may 
have felt like 75 MPH to the driver, but it wasn't. 

Robbie Robinson
Committee Chairman
Solo Safety Steward.

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