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RE: Safety Nazis I Love

To: "'Brian Bender'" <>
Subject: RE: Safety Nazis I Love
From: Tom Gentry <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 09:19:23 -0600
>>Bzzzzzt!  QUICKEST, not fastest (and they're NOT the same thing).  We're
running against a clock, not a radar gun.  :)<<

Depends on the definition of "fast".  When watching a race, most people would 
consider the lead car to be "fastest" even though someone else might have the 
highest top speed.  In a drag race, we routinely say the winning car is faster, 
even though the other "slower" car may have a higher trap speed.  It's really 
quite simple, he who gets to the finish line first is fastest.  When you 
measure for "fast" are you looking at peak or average velocity?  It sounds like 
you are equating "fast" with peak velocity and "quick" with average velocity, 
it could just as easily be interpreted the other way.

<<<It's about control, ,precision, and skill at the car's limits, not velocity. 

My point was, I could drive with the most control, precision, and skill at the 
car's limits... and still lose because someone else was "faster" or "quicker".  
There are no points for style in motorsports.

Tom Gentry
Life is too short to drive boring cars!
'96 Ford SVT Cobra, Mystic #1345/2000 (mostly stock)
'72 Triumph TR-6 OD (mostly modified)
'59 Triumph Model 10 Sedan (mostly in boxes)

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