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Re: Spin Control

To: autox-digest <>
Subject: Re: Spin Control
From: Loren Williams <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 19:07:22 -0600
Extra points for Jay Mitchell, who said:

> That's just fine for an experienced Solo II competitor, but it
> does nothing for a novice. It is the responsibility of the course
> designer to consider what rank novices might do and to allow
> adequate runoff room where errors are likely. 

I can sort of agree that a driver has to be responsible for their
actions.  I can also agree that the course designer and event safety
guru are responsible to ensure that the course meets the intent of the
Solo II safety rules.  But, we all have to remember that in all that we
do (not just course design) that novices will be participating.  We want
them to have fun, we want them to come back.  Be user friendly.

Loren Williams | Homepage -
'94 Saturn SC2 | Wichita Region SCCA -

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