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Re: Pro Solo Stuff

To: "Paul Foster" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Pro Solo Stuff
From: "Scotty *BOB* White" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 17:07:33 -0800
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul
><<<5. Glen Hernandez drove like a man possessed. The challenge came down
>to Scotty B White and Glen in the finals, with the winner being
>Scotty....but wait, it seems the indexes were wrong and they had to
>rerun the finals. Glen then came out on top. Must be odd to be the
>winner, then have it taken away.>>>
>Perhaps Scotty can tell us his impressions???

   Just one o those luck deals ;-) I was telling some newbies just before
the challenge started that a major portion of the challenge competition is
luck, who knew? ;-) Anyway, the round before I was up against a guy and we
had to back out of the lights like 4 times cuz the lights were screwin up
;-( Then I hacked it up on the first run and got behind by a second. Did I
mention I brake out by .7/10ths the first round ? And then again by 2/10ths
on the 3rd? 2nd? round?

   Anyway I ran real hard and looked over as I was in the last slalom and it
looked like I had it won but then blew the finish as I took the time to look
over at the other car (bsp corvette) and banged a cone whilst driving
sideways ;-( Being absolutely sure I was done at this point and being kinda
sad thinkiin I had won and lost it all by myself I began to pull off and
Laura Molleker is screamin along with another 30 people the my opponent had
banged 2 cones!!

   Next up against Jodi Fordahl in Curts 911 and thinkin Oh gawd, this damn
thing has beat me tooo many times in this situation ;-( So I wished Jodi a
*pretty good run* (singular, mind you ;-)) and staged up. It was kinda weird
to see her take off first?!?! I managed to pull it out but don't remember
much about it ;-)

   Next up the Hurricane. Glenn was awesome all weekend and had broken out
also even though he was faster than everybody in P-whatever and they lined
us up with the dial ins. I no sooner let the clutch out than passed him and
I was thinkin, *man, he must really haul ass on the way back to only start
that much ahead of me* so I drove pretty hard, but not stupid hard like I
would have if he had left when he was supposed to. I cam back from the
*slow* side with like a 1 somethin second lead and then for the first time
in my life ;-) I coasted a little and even took a safe light.

   I come in and it's congrats from Glenn and high fives all around and what
a great sport we play in yada yada.....

   Doug H comes over and says, * hey Scotty, the got the lights wrong and
gotta rerun it*. I am goin *no way man!* Anyway, we go do it again with the
coolant temp at 230+ and I hack it up and Glenn makes another 2 perfect runs
and it's over, easy come, easy go ;-)

   Glenn drove almost flawlessly all weekend and deserves it all the way! I,
however, will not repeat mistakes I might have, or might not have made all
weekend and that's all I am gonna say about that ;-) I will not, I will not
I will not.........


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