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Re: Course Safety?

To: <>, "Jay Mitchell" <>
Subject: Re: Course Safety?
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 15:00:16 -0600
Joe rejoinders:

>Try again...
>Consider the condition at the extreme.  No weight left on the

Been there, done that. You're thinking of motorcylcles when you
think "brakie." Certainly no engine braking condition - and
probably no braking condition of any sort - will result in total
unloading of the rear wheels in a Stock FWD or RWD car. There's
just not enough retardation power there. In any case, well before
that happened, you'd see the braking wheels start to slide. Tell
me how many times you've seen engine braking in a Stock car cause
the wheels to slide.

And yes, it IS a rhetorical question.

Still waiting for your idea of an autocrossable RWD sports sedan
that isn't prone to rolling over... I can't think of one.


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