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Re: Northeast Divisional

Subject: Re: Northeast Divisional
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 20:41:43 EST
In a message dated 3/28/99 8:31:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< In a New York state region site lists the Northeast
 Divisional as July 16-18, 1999 in Rome, NY (also site
 of the Woodstock 30th, though not the same week-end).
Yes, very true.
The group putting on the "show" has flexed political muscle and we in the CNY
region might not have it AT ALL in 99!
They want to build stage platforms , etc...
Alternate sites are being sought and no definitive answer can be givien yet. 
We have a SOLO meeting tomorrow eve and might have an update at least by then.
Finger Lakes Region might know more as well???

Randy Krytusa

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