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Re: VMP auto-x today...

To: Jon G Felton <>,
Subject: Re: VMP auto-x today...
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 20:21:17 -0500
At 05:15 PM 3/28/99 -0500, Jon G Felton wrote:
 The course was healthily sized and pretty fast - 40+
>seconds long with no first gear anywhere after the start, and some third
>gear for more than a few drivers!  (Us non-experts just banged against
>the rev-limiter in 2nd and considered that to be plenty.)  It was of the
>mini-road-course variety (lots of sweepers with no crossover and multiple
>cars running simultaneously) and oh boy was it fun!

Definitely Fun.  The speed range in my CM FF was very close to the speeds
at the 98 Nationals, and many other Nationals. i.e. not "fast" or "slow" by
National's standards. The only difference was that Nationals courses are 10
to 15 seconds longer due to more available space. The second gear I'm
running worked for the whole course. Top speed at one point (by telltale
and gear chart) was 66mph (just touched the rev limiter).

Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen RF-85 Formula Ford

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