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Re: TLS to Texas?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: TLS to Texas?
From: "Phillip S. Osborne" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:51:58 -0500
Lessee, from Dallas to Evansville is about the same distance as Louisville
to Dallas, give or take fifty or so miles...Yeah, think I will make the trip
up to E'ville.  Come on down Daniel.  Hell, that's just a normal weekend
trip anymore!!

Phil O....gettin' 7 mpg on the V10 RV and the pain in my -ss is killin'
me....wonder if it would help if I moved my wallet to a front pocket...
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: TLS to Texas?

>In a message dated 3/25/99 10:51:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,
><< We(A band of rogue outlaws from Kansas City) will be leaving
> friday morning at 05:00(Dark). We hope to be at the speedway by 3:00pm. >>
>Jeez, I didn't realize KC was that far from Dallas...I would go, but Dallas
>nearly 800 miles from Louisville...kinda hard to justify missing that much
>school, even for a Tour event...
>Daniel Ledford
>99 Mitsu Eclipse GSX

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