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Re: SD Tour PAX results

Subject: Re: SD Tour PAX results
From: Josh Sirota <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 15:43:41 -0800
Josh Sirota wrote:
> I indexed everyone at San Diego with the '99 PAX Index ... here's the
> results.  Note that the class information got lost and I got tired of
> typing after about the first 60, so you'll have to figure out the later
> people based on name or car type.
> While the number of entries tied a National Tour record, we had only 245
> people actually compete on both days.

Whoops.  Just realized that I left out the classes with no published '99
PAX index, so there were more than 245 competitors.  Add ST, STR, F.
Jr., and F. Jr 1, and you get another 13, for a total of 258 actual
2-day competitors.


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