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Re: San Diego Tour

Subject: Re: San Diego Tour
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:27:49 -0800
Description of course. R=right, L=left.

Course was about 1.1 miles long. Sundays course was a kinky start, go
north about 100 yards, a quick jog (R,L) and then press the throttle
full down. Next turns were R,L,R,L,R,L,R...but they really were not
turns, as much as small sweeping offsets. I found I could do all of them
in full throttle 3rd gear with small steering inputs. Most of this front
stetch had a small uphill rise to it also. Horsepower was an advantage
here. Wish I had some. 8)

The harder part of this, was then to bring the car was down for an
off-camber turn around, almost a 180. The line for braking and
downshifting was not very long between the last apex cone and the
turnaround and I found (after my first run's full slide!) that I need a
slighlty different line to be set up for braking. 

Coming around the turn-around (L) there was a L-R turn that was
deceptive. I think I went in too slow each run as I found myself not
near 10/10ths. Then continue heading west (in our case, into a setting
sun)..hold up hand to shield sun...a 3 cone slalom that was really more
a left turn, thru a gate and 180 turnaround back to the west. I found I
was bumping the rev limiter on my car after the slalom.

Heading east from the turn-around, you left a gate and it was open for
100 yards. You could let your speed carry you pretty far out. Enter
another gate and then you approach the slowest 180 turn around with cone
that begged to be hit at the approach. 8)

I took a wider line to keep myself out of 1st and again headed west into
the sun, thru a gate and into a 3 gate/cone slalom. Then a downhill
off-camber left turn, another few small turns towards the finish and a
tight kink at the finish before opening up to the lights.

And if I remember any of this incorrectly...well, that explains my
driving. 8) Most of this was in the upper end of 2nd gear or in 3rd gear
for my CS MR2. The course was pretty wide open also as you could try
various lines, but the only correct line in the 5th run group was the
clean line. 8)

Randy Chase

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