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Winbook Laptops

To: <>
Subject: Winbook Laptops
From: "Jason Suknot" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 19:58:16 -0800
I work for a short term computer rental company. Our equipment must be very
sturdy to hold up to the stress of frequent rentals. We currently use a
brand called AMS Tech (both the Rodeo and Travel Pro line) and have been
extremely happy with their durability. If that is a concern for you check
them out. We purchase them through Ingram Micro but you should be able to
find them retail as well. Hope this helps.

Jason Suknot
Carless at the time, hope the season doesn't pass me by.

Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 00:16:35 PST
From: "Joe Goeke" <>
Subject: Winbook Laptops

I know this isn't race related, but it is about a laptop for our region

Anyone know anything about the Winbook line of laptop computers?  They
seem to have a solid line and have gotten some good reviews.


- ---JCG
Team Butt Heat
GS Audi A4 Quattro

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