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RE: Neat race car classifieds

To: "'whitney'" <>,
Subject: RE: Neat race car classifieds
From: Paula Whitney <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 16:12:16 -0600
From:   whitney []
Sent:   Thursday, March 11, 1999 6:07 PM
Subject:        Neat race car classifieds

Check out

In the sports car section - lots more than I would have expected to find
outside of Sportscar's ads.


** This man need a real job, one where he has to work all day, not
just surf the web. Maybe a real job making lots of money to buy
lots of race cars so his wife will never be able to park in her garage.
Oh, yeah that's the way it is now, except without the money!
;-) the 'lil redhead

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