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Re: More course design

To: Digest Auto-x <>
Subject: Re: More course design
From: Ron Katona <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 15:55:59 -0800
Tracy Sandberg wrote:
> Atta Boy Ben, that's the kind of course I'm talkin' about! 

I'd like those courses too, but one thing bothers me. I like turns over
90 degrees. What would the Monaco grand prix be without it's hairpin?
What's wrong with a 180 or even 360 degree skidpad turn? I understand
the original post said only to "try" to avoid those, but I'd rather try
to include at least one such turn in every event even on large lots. I
think a steady state 180 or 360 is a work of art if done properly by a
talented driver. You often see rookies hopelessly understeering or never
achieving a tight steady line in such corners.

To me, this is one feature that separates autocross from road racing.
You can't do a 360 on a road course (on purpose). It doesn't have to be
gimmicky, just include one in the normal flow of a good course.
Ron Katona

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