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spec rx7 startup costs/personal safety gear questions

To: autox list <>
Subject: spec rx7 startup costs/personal safety gear questions
From: Jeff Cashmore <>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 22:47:45 -0600
Jason wrote... "I'm thinking about making the switch from autox to ITA
(spec rx7) in the near future."

Well, come on down.  See the link below.  It doesn't have to be a
'switch', you can still do Solo 2, although Spec 7's don't make great
CSP cars.  You can purchase a GCR (safety related items) at   You may want to ask
those questions again on the W2W list at

I really wish you hadn't listed the costs like that.  I could have
bought a used Corvette instead! (or Miata, MR2, Camaro, etc)
Jeff Cashmore
1983 Mazda Rx7 GSL = Spec Rx7 = Spec Rx7 startup info

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