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Re: Subject: Snow Solo Precursor

To: "Chris and Per Schroeder" <>
Subject: Re: Subject: Snow Solo Precursor
From: Lloyd Loring <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 19:56:41 -0500
>Lloyd writes:
>>Reading the preliminary Meridian tour results is thought provoking. For
>>instance the winner in E Stock is Per Schroeder and in HS it is Jeff
>>Cashmore. What do these two Meridian winners have in common besides living
>>in Wisconsin?
>Geez,  Gurnee is pretty far north...but it's still Illinois.
>(just back from Ft Myers...yikes that's a long drive)


At least I pronounced your name right! So Wisconsin isn't big enough for
both you and Jeff? Congrats on your 2nd at Ft. Myers. Any snow down there?

Lloyd Loring  <>

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