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Re: Course designs and looking ahead

Subject: Re: Course designs and looking ahead
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 23:19:00 EST
In a message dated 3/5/99 6:30:51 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> You make very good point.  I agree whole-heartedly on your emphasis that
>  looking up is most certainly a powerful skill.  Again, these two skills
>  are not mutually exclusive. I know I can drive a course without having
>  walked it.  It may take two runs to get up to speed though.  Now I have
>  one or two runs left to nail a good time.  If I walk and memorize it
>  very carefully, I can be faster right out of the box, giving me more
>  opportunities to nail a faster run.

I know of a certain Dan Geiger who used to come out to events in the Milwaukee
area during his lunch hour and take a few runs then go back to work.  He would
get in someone else's car, run real fast, win the class and be back to work
before an hour was over.  I think he even had time to eat :-)


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