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Re: Help Finding Caster/Camber plates (warning!-long rant and

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: Re: Help Finding Caster/Camber plates (warning!-long rant and
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 15:28:33 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Ron Dillman wrote:
> Look at the MM web site, find an area to ask your questions about the
> product ? I can't. Call their Ca. number from across country and hear
> "Maximum Motorsports, can you wait?". Sure that is why I called, to
> wait. After 2.5 minutes I got tired of waiting and called their 800
> order number where the very same voice answered and asked me to wait. It
> seems to me ANY company with a web site should have an e-mail location
> THAT THEY PROMPTLY RESOND TO for customer questions. Complaints, etc.
> Secondly ANY company answering a phone should give that customer
> UNDIVIDED attention and not ask if they called to wait, probably they
> didn't.

Yeah!  Next time I call, they better damn well put you on hold to give me

I'll tell you what.  I'll give you the best damn customer service you've
ever seen in your life.  The castor cambor plates cost $10,000 however.



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