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Re: Meridian Tour Lost & Found

Subject: Re: Meridian Tour Lost & Found
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 20:28:56 -0800
And I'm still missing a Huck & Chuck magnetic that blew off somewhere
on the course on my first Sunday run.  I figured it would just live up
to its reputation, levitate off the course, and stick itself back on
the side of the Mini.  But no such luck

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

BTW:  I think I saw your floor mat, Mark, lying in the grass next to
the Saturday finish/Sunday start lane.  Don't know what became of it,
though. wrote:
> I left my driver side floormat (beige/spotted) for my BMW Z3 coupe near the
> start area for the mini-course.  Would like to get it back if possible since I
> can't buy just one floormat.  Couldn't locate it Sunday before heading home
> after realizing that's where I left it.
> TIA,
> M Sipe

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