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Re: Southern California event?

To: "taro" <>, "autox" <>
Subject: Re: Southern California event?
From: Rick Perry <>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 10:32:49 -0800
March 14, 1999 at San Diego Qualcomm Stadium


At 12:26 PM 3/1/99 -0500, taro wrote:
>Do any of you southern CA people know of any local events in your area the
>weekend of March 13,14?  I'd like to check-out an event on the left-hand
>coast (while I'm in the neighborhood on business).  Also, if someone out
>there knows of a co-drive opportunity and/or wouldn't mind a Virginian
>driving his/her car...let me know (anything, any class,...not picky). Of
>course, I'd gladly pay for tire/car use.  Thanks!
>Tim Aro
>Richmond, VA

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