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Re: Event exposure & attracting new members.

Subject: Re: Event exposure & attracting new members.
From: Jon G Felton <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 11:26:50 -0500
Eric Linnhoff in KC queried:
>All this is just an attempt to drum up new members and racers.  Does
>have any constructive thoughts or suggestions?  Any potential problems? 
>better ideas?

I am very familiar with the idea of driving around town in a
stickered/graphic'd car, and the fact that you got 4 of 6 people
interested is great, but I doubt you'll see any of them at an autox. 
It's VERY easy to get 'em interested.  It's a lot harder to have them
actually come out and drive.  

Your parade idea is a good one, but a Saturday afternoon through the
better-populated areas will certainly snag more interest than a Sunday
morning.  Hand out all kinds of info, including DETAILS about the next
day's event, and it will probably generate some more participation.

BTW, a stock Neon with stickers on it isn't quite as well-received by the
public as, say, a Corvette with a roll cage and stickers.  That's not an
insult to you and your Neon, Eric - I'm just saying that if you're going
to do the parade you might as well snag the prettiest/meanest
looking/most easily recognized/most race-prepped street legal ones you
can find.  Then again, your car can be used to represent the emminent
accessibility of it.  So maybe you should lead.  =-)

Your ride-along idea is great.  Make sure you go fast enough to thrill
them but not fast enough to scare them.

Also, we have found that flyers are by far the best way to spread the
word.  Bring it up at a meeting - most members are happy to take twenty
flyers with 'em to distribute on eligible cars during their routine
travels.  It's also helpful to have a comprehensive web site listed on
the flyers.

All in all, your ideas are good ones, Eric.  Clubs need more folks like
you, who want to keep this sport alive and growing into the future by
taking an active recruiting role.


Jon Felton, Virginia Region Director
National Auto Sport Association
(804) 573-NASA

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