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Re: Properly Prepared Neons....

Subject: Re: Properly Prepared Neons....
From: Scott & Glenda Meyers <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 08:03:53 -0700 wrote:
> In a message dated 2/22/99 9:21:28 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> << DS 300zx  The neon chaser, maybe this year I,ll catch a
>  few.  Anybody know how to serve neons for lunch??? >>
> To serve them properly you should be on your knees, head slightly bowed, and
> begging for forgiveness. Pray that they will only defeat you and not hand you
> your head on a platter.

Neons are best when prepared properly.

First, remove the unnecessary and dysfunctional 'innards' (faulty wiring
recall, front hub recall, the one rear tire always off the ground, and the
always-breaking motor mounts).

Replace with superior Japanese parts   :-)

Next, bake in an oven (a REALLY LARGE oven) at 500' for 3 hours to harden the
factory flawed paint. NOTE - this will either cure the paint properly to
prevent peeling, or remove it all in which case they will rust away to nothing
after one winter.

This should make the almighty Neon a little more palatable.

Scott Meyers
92 240 SX SE also in DS

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