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Re: Toe settings

Subject: Re: Toe settings
From: Whitney <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 17:25:57 -0600
Toe out is good - generates extra ackerman effect, and will improve/quicken
turn in, and sometimes reduce mid corner/corner exit power on understeer
(probably not a problem with the torque you have).

The only down side that I know of is some excessive scuff and drag in a
straight line, and too much toe can make the car too darty  (to the point
of unsettling the rear) upon turn in.

Stan Whitney

At 04:47 PM 2/23/99 -0500, wrote:
>What are everyone's thoughts about toe settings?  I understand why toe-out
>can improve turn-in response, but are there draw-backs to toe-out?  I
>used to have my car toed out about 1/8 total and the turn-in was
>noticeably sharper than it is now with zero toe, but I'm not sure which
>set-up worked best for quicker times, or whether there really was a
>difference in autox times.  I'm going to be realigning my car soon and I'm
>interested in any advice.
>The car feels better with a little toe-out, but is that just an illusion
>or is the car really better (or as good) as a car with zero toe?
>Rich Johnston
>95 Z28 ESP

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