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1999 Convention - #6

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: 1999 Convention - #6
From: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 14:49:47 -0500 (EST)
This is the sixth (and last) in a series of my notes from the Convention.
For those of you who have read the entire collection ... congrats!!

** Disclaimer Alert **
Please understand these are the things I thought were important (or were
able to jot down as the conversation progressed) and these are just MY
opinion. Additional comments are included in brackets [].

If you wish to excerpt from them, you may. Please give proper credit and I
request a copy of your publication which contains the information. Reply
via private e-mail and I'll send my snail mail address. Thanks!
** End of Disclaimer ** <g>

Peter Hylton's second seminar was titled "The SCCA - Backwards Through
Time." He brought out highlights of SCCA's history starting with present
day and moving back to the 1940s.

Remembering that this was a Saturday seminar, my notes are little more
sparse than earlier in the week ... the sunshine was gorgeous!

Club Racing -
* 70 National Races
* 350 Regional Races

Pro Racing -
* Trans-Am
* World Challenge
* FF2000
* American Cities Racing League
* Motorola Cup
* Pro Spec Racer Ford
* Star Mazda

ProRally/Club Rally -
* National Road Rally
* Divisional Road Rally
* Regional Road Rally

Solo Program - 
* ProSolos
* National Solo Tour
* Divisional Solo II
* Regional Solo II

Club Racing -
* Same National Racing Structure
* RunOffs(R) find a home at Road Atlanta, first the American Road Racing
Championship, then renamed the Champion Spark Plug Road Racing
* Classes are: A->H Production, A->D Sedan, A->DSR, 6 Formula SCCA classes,
and Showroom Stock

Pro Racing -
* Can-Am
* Trans-Am (including 2.5 Challenge)
* L&M Continental
* Formula B
* Formula Super Vee
* Rabbit Cup

Road Rally -
* Pro Rally is growing in popularity.
* Road Rally is growing in complexity.

Solo -
* National Solo IIs are founded.
* Solo I takes on a high speed role.

Club Racing -
* American Road Race of Champions created in 1964. It would alternate
between Daytona and Riverside. In 1964, the national champions were still
crowned on points. In 1965, they were crowned at the RunOffs(R).
* There were separate national and divisional points.
* Classes were A->H Production, A->H Modified (forerunner to sports
racing), Formula Junior, and Formula Libre.
* Cal Club merges into SCCA

Pro Racing -
* SCCA members were permitted to accept prize money.
* Pro category was created to counteract USAC [more info coming in an
article in the April SportsCar]

Club Racing -
* National Championship was created in 1951. Series was based on total
points earned around the country. 12-15 events counted.
* Classes were production and modifieds.

Rallies and Hillclimbs were being conducted.

Many members from the east coast would rally to the Indianapolis 500. One
of those trips sparked the interest in and formation of the Indianapolis

If you made it through all six chapters, thank you for your interest in
what has happened at the National Convention. I hope you've enjoyed the
reports as much as I've enjoyed bringing them to you.

Kelley Huxtable
Des Moines Valley Region
"Worker Bee"

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