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Re: RV parking at Meridian Tour

To: <>
Subject: Re: RV parking at Meridian Tour
From: "Phillip S. Osborne" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 23:28:10 -0500
Just received my entry confirmation today...

Regarding the subject line, I should have been more specific.  OVERNIGHT  RV
parking will be allowed at
the site...

Hey Sid, who's going to keep an eye on all those CP drivers???

Phil O.

>Cajun's will be allowed to park there also, but we all have stay in one
>so they can watch us.
>Sid  BP 39
>"Phillip S. Osborne" wrote:
>> For anyone interested, I have been advised that RV parking WILL be
>> at the Meridian Tour site.
>> Phil Osborne
>> "It's never too late to have a happy childhood!"

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